Concrete Dag namely artificial stone consists of cement, sand and gravel/split with particular comparison if stirred and mixed with water and then placed into a mould will bind, dries, and hardens with a nice After some long, while the reinforced concrete that is artificial stone in it be given reinforcement-reinforcement in the form of iron or steel.
Tips Choose Iron Reinforcement Concrete Beams on construction As the holder of the floor panel
Why should you reinforcement Materials, concrete and steel or iron each other mutually binding so i.e. one energy to stem an anesthesiologist charges on reinforced concrete things, all the more to stem or pull style stem the suppleness. If the concrete cannot be given reinforcement or just concrete alone therefore concrete things will not stem the strong charge pull. This caused a strong concrete properties to style press, but weak to pull style or flexibility. While the nature of steel or iron that is robust to garik pull or press style.
In the iron trade in building materials store kiosks or material there are various terms for pembesian (reinforcement) concrete, i.e. KS (Krakatau Steel), full iron, iron pussy, and so on.
Iron KS iron with a diameter that is intact and the length of the standard. Missal iron KS diameter 12 mm, if evaluated with wear gauge sigmat (slide-slide the measuring tool thickness) will therefore obtained the diameter of 12 mm and a length of 12 m (standard length) so that it is not less or equal to recounted.
Full iron iron with a diameter that is full of suitable diameter and length itself. Like iron diameter 12 mm thickness 12 mm have a consistent, but its length is sometimes there is less to the standard 12 m dafri (usually just 11.5 m).
Iron Pussy IE iron that does not match the size of the diameter and the length itself. Like iron diameter 12 mm if we measure with a gauge sigmat just obtained diameter 11 mm or even 10.5 mm, sedanglan panjangnyapun just 11 m.
Because the market there is a diverse range of iron, hence the need for komstruksi should use iron KS or full. Iron pussy is indeed cheap, but energy or strength in construction will be reduced so that he feared construction betonya ambrol bias. Iron pussy bias applied to construction of non structural (not stem the charge) as for practical column (column as a binder of lightweight masonry brick ataun) and lisplank.
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Beam without reinforcement
We know the nature of concrete namely robust to the style press but weak to pull style. Therefore, concrete can experience cracking if the charge that dipikulnya gave rise to a strong drop in voltage that exceeds its.
When a concrete beam (no reinforcement) held by the object are simple (joints and rollers), and above such things, either beam charge focused P as well as the charge q uniformly distributed, hence would appear outside events so that the beam will be curved downwards.
the beam is curved down the impact of weighting the outside was basically driven off by coupling styles in the form of voltage press and pull. So in the fibers of the top edge of the component beams will stem the voltage press, and increasingly down voltage such things will be getting smaller. On the contrary, in the fibers of the lower edge of the component will stem the voltage drop, and increasingly to top its voltage will increasingly small anyway.
In the middle term (neutral), concrete fibers do not experience the same voltage (voltage press and pull = 0).
If the above is too large beam weights hence the neutral components of the line below will experience voltage drop is large enough that it could lead to cracks in the concrete on the lower components. This condition occurs in particular on large momennya concrete place, is on the field/middle term.
Concrete beams with reinforcement
To stem the considerable pull style on the fibers of the lower edge of the component beams, therefore need to be given the steel reinforcement so that the so-called "reinforced concrete". This reinforced concrete beams on, reinforcement were planted in such a way, so that the style pull required to stem the events on a cross-section of the crack can be dammed by the steel reinforcement.
Because of the nature of concrete that is not taking action against the powerful pull, therefore in the picture above, looks that match beam tensile (below the neutral line) will be dammed reinforcement, although components stem press (top of the line components in neutral) consistent dammed by concrete.
The main function of concrete and reinforcement
From the explanation above can be understood, that good concrete or steel-reinforced concrete structure reinforcement on such things have a function or duty are different feasible with the nature of the material in question. The main function of concrete is to
The main function of concrete :
To be assured that a structure which direncankan was able to stem the profession, hence the weights on the structure of planning applied certain security elements. These security elements tersdiri of 2 variations, are:
A major element of the weighting given to each of the weights of the profession at a cross-section of the structure will vary depending on the combination of weights are concerned. Under article 11.2 SNI 03-2847-2002, that in order for the structure and part of the structure meet the prerequisites and appropriate use to the various types of combination weights, therefore must be fulfilled-a combination of weighted combinations of Ordinance berfaktor:
If the structure or parts just stem the dead weight D (dead) only thus formulated: U = 1.4 * D
If the form of a combination of dead weight and live weight D L (live), thus formulated: U = 1.2 * D + 1.6 L + 0.5 * (A or R)
If the form of a combination of dead weight D, live weights and weights L, wind W, therefore taken a great result from 2 type the following formula: U = 1.2 * D + L + 1.6 * 1.0 * W + 0.5 (A or R) and the other formula: U = 0.9 * 1.6 * D + W
If due weight into account, therefore E earthquake were taken from two types of following formula: U = 0.9 * 1 * D + E
U = terfaktor, weight Combinations kN, kN/m ' or kNm
D = Charge dead (Dead load), kN, kN/m ' or kNm
L = Charge life (Life load), kN, kN/m ' or kNm
A = roof live Loads kN, kN/m ' or kNm
R = rain water Charge, kN, kN/m ' or kNm
W = wind Loads (Wind load), kN, kN/m ' or kNm
E = earthquake Loads (Earth quake load), kN, kN/m ' or kNm, determined according to the statutes, SNI 03-1726-1989-F, the procedures of Planning of earthquake Resilience for homes and buildings, or substitusinya.
For a combination of weighting other terfaktor on the following article:
Section 11.2.4 SNI 03-2847-2002, for combination with lateral soil
Section 11.2.5 SNI 03-2847-2002, for combination with hydraulic pressure
Section 11.2.6 SNI 03-2847-2002, due to the weight of absorber
Article 11.2.7 SNI 03-2847-2002, due to temperature (Delta T), rangkak, shrinkage, settlement.
Elements of power reduction
The uncertainties of energy materials to the imposition on the part of the structure is considered a power reduction element, whose value is set under article 11.3 SNI 03-2847-2002 as follows:
Pliable structures without axial weights (for instance: beam), element reduction = 0.8
Axial loads and weights axial bending
axial axial drag-and-drop with supple: 0.8
axial axial press with press and bending
part of the structure with a spiral reinforcement or sengkang ikat: 0.7
Part of the structure with reinforcement sengkang common: 0.65
3. Slide and torque: 0.75
4. Concentration on concrete,: 0.65
the result finished as well, writing the correct begituan males but I gak papa to you whole. ntarmalah gak tau essentially any bother ... wkwkwkwk. Cont. ....
Based on SNI 03-2847-2002, at calculation of reinforced concrete structures, there are some terms to express the power of a cross section as follows
– Strong nominal (article 3.28)
-Strong agenda (article 3.30 am)
-Strong need (article 3.29)
– Strong nominal (Rn) is termed a power structure cross-section are calculated according to the statutes, and the assumption of how planning before the element points multiplied by the reduction of power. On a cross-section of reinforced concrete, the nominal resting on strong points:
-the dimension of the cross-section,
-the number and layout of reinforcement
-layout of reinforcement
-quality concrete and steel reinforcement
So basically strong nominal is a power result reminds us of the situation of the structure of reinforced concrete on the situation to normal. Strong nominal is generally written with symbols Mn, Vn, Tn, and Pn with subscript n showing that bullet points
M = Events
V = sliding Style
T = Torque (the twist)
P = axial Style (obtained from the nominal weight of a structure or portion of a structure)
Strong agenda (Rr), termed as a part of the power structure or cross-section is obtained from the results of the multiplication between a strong element of Rn and the reduction of the nominal power. Strong agenda can also be written with the symbol Mr, Vr, Tr, and Pr (description is the same as above in addition to P = the weight of the agenda may be either on a structure or part of the structure.
Strong need (Ru), termed as a part of the power structure or cross-section is needed to stem the weighting terfaktor or events and style in dealing with such things in combination weighting u. Strong need can also written with symbols of Mu, Vu, Tu, and Pu.
Because basically strong agenda Rr, is the style in power (in structure), despite the strong need to Ru is external power (outside structure) that works on the structure, therefore so that planning can be guaranteed security structure must be filled the following prerequisites:
Strong plan
Tips Choose Iron Reinforcement Concrete Beams on construction As the holder of the floor panel
Why should you reinforcement Materials, concrete and steel or iron each other mutually binding so i.e. one energy to stem an anesthesiologist charges on reinforced concrete things, all the more to stem or pull style stem the suppleness. If the concrete cannot be given reinforcement or just concrete alone therefore concrete things will not stem the strong charge pull. This caused a strong concrete properties to style press, but weak to pull style or flexibility. While the nature of steel or iron that is robust to garik pull or press style.
In the iron trade in building materials store kiosks or material there are various terms for pembesian (reinforcement) concrete, i.e. KS (Krakatau Steel), full iron, iron pussy, and so on.
Iron KS iron with a diameter that is intact and the length of the standard. Missal iron KS diameter 12 mm, if evaluated with wear gauge sigmat (slide-slide the measuring tool thickness) will therefore obtained the diameter of 12 mm and a length of 12 m (standard length) so that it is not less or equal to recounted.
Full iron iron with a diameter that is full of suitable diameter and length itself. Like iron diameter 12 mm thickness 12 mm have a consistent, but its length is sometimes there is less to the standard 12 m dafri (usually just 11.5 m).
Iron Pussy IE iron that does not match the size of the diameter and the length itself. Like iron diameter 12 mm if we measure with a gauge sigmat just obtained diameter 11 mm or even 10.5 mm, sedanglan panjangnyapun just 11 m.
A Hanging Concrete Beams
A Hanging Concrete Beams |
Hope know More detail ?
Beam without reinforcement
We know the nature of concrete namely robust to the style press but weak to pull style. Therefore, concrete can experience cracking if the charge that dipikulnya gave rise to a strong drop in voltage that exceeds its.
When a concrete beam (no reinforcement) held by the object are simple (joints and rollers), and above such things, either beam charge focused P as well as the charge q uniformly distributed, hence would appear outside events so that the beam will be curved downwards.
the beam is curved down the impact of weighting the outside was basically driven off by coupling styles in the form of voltage press and pull. So in the fibers of the top edge of the component beams will stem the voltage press, and increasingly down voltage such things will be getting smaller. On the contrary, in the fibers of the lower edge of the component will stem the voltage drop, and increasingly to top its voltage will increasingly small anyway.
In the middle term (neutral), concrete fibers do not experience the same voltage (voltage press and pull = 0).
If the above is too large beam weights hence the neutral components of the line below will experience voltage drop is large enough that it could lead to cracks in the concrete on the lower components. This condition occurs in particular on large momennya concrete place, is on the field/middle term.
Concrete beams with reinforcement
To stem the considerable pull style on the fibers of the lower edge of the component beams, therefore need to be given the steel reinforcement so that the so-called "reinforced concrete". This reinforced concrete beams on, reinforcement were planted in such a way, so that the style pull required to stem the events on a cross-section of the crack can be dammed by the steel reinforcement.
Because of the nature of concrete that is not taking action against the powerful pull, therefore in the picture above, looks that match beam tensile (below the neutral line) will be dammed reinforcement, although components stem press (top of the line components in neutral) consistent dammed by concrete.
The main function of concrete and reinforcement
From the explanation above can be understood, that good concrete or steel-reinforced concrete structure reinforcement on such things have a function or duty are different feasible with the nature of the material in question. The main function of concrete is to
konstruksi beton balok gantung |
The main function of concrete :
- Stem weight/style press
- Close the steel reinforcement so that no Rusty
- The main function of the steel reinforcement
- Stem style drag (though also to strong style press)
- Preventing cracks of concrete so that no flaring
- Security elements
To be assured that a structure which direncankan was able to stem the profession, hence the weights on the structure of planning applied certain security elements. These security elements tersdiri of 2 variations, are:
- The security element, either on the outer weights on the structure of an anesthesiologist, called weighting element.
- Security-related elements of the power structure (in style), called the power reduction element.
- Element weighting the outside/weighting element
A major element of the weighting given to each of the weights of the profession at a cross-section of the structure will vary depending on the combination of weights are concerned. Under article 11.2 SNI 03-2847-2002, that in order for the structure and part of the structure meet the prerequisites and appropriate use to the various types of combination weights, therefore must be fulfilled-a combination of weighted combinations of Ordinance berfaktor:
If the structure or parts just stem the dead weight D (dead) only thus formulated: U = 1.4 * D
If the form of a combination of dead weight and live weight D L (live), thus formulated: U = 1.2 * D + 1.6 L + 0.5 * (A or R)
If the form of a combination of dead weight D, live weights and weights L, wind W, therefore taken a great result from 2 type the following formula: U = 1.2 * D + L + 1.6 * 1.0 * W + 0.5 (A or R) and the other formula: U = 0.9 * 1.6 * D + W
If due weight into account, therefore E earthquake were taken from two types of following formula: U = 0.9 * 1 * D + E
U = terfaktor, weight Combinations kN, kN/m ' or kNm
D = Charge dead (Dead load), kN, kN/m ' or kNm
L = Charge life (Life load), kN, kN/m ' or kNm
A = roof live Loads kN, kN/m ' or kNm
R = rain water Charge, kN, kN/m ' or kNm
W = wind Loads (Wind load), kN, kN/m ' or kNm
E = earthquake Loads (Earth quake load), kN, kN/m ' or kNm, determined according to the statutes, SNI 03-1726-1989-F, the procedures of Planning of earthquake Resilience for homes and buildings, or substitusinya.
For a combination of weighting other terfaktor on the following article:
Section 11.2.4 SNI 03-2847-2002, for combination with lateral soil
Section 11.2.5 SNI 03-2847-2002, for combination with hydraulic pressure
Section 11.2.6 SNI 03-2847-2002, due to the weight of absorber
Article 11.2.7 SNI 03-2847-2002, due to temperature (Delta T), rangkak, shrinkage, settlement.
Elements of power reduction
The uncertainties of energy materials to the imposition on the part of the structure is considered a power reduction element, whose value is set under article 11.3 SNI 03-2847-2002 as follows:
Pliable structures without axial weights (for instance: beam), element reduction = 0.8
Axial loads and weights axial bending
axial axial drag-and-drop with supple: 0.8
axial axial press with press and bending
part of the structure with a spiral reinforcement or sengkang ikat: 0.7
Part of the structure with reinforcement sengkang common: 0.65
3. Slide and torque: 0.75
4. Concentration on concrete,: 0.65
the result finished as well, writing the correct begituan males but I gak papa to you whole. ntarmalah gak tau essentially any bother ... wkwkwkwk. Cont. ....
Based on SNI 03-2847-2002, at calculation of reinforced concrete structures, there are some terms to express the power of a cross section as follows
– Strong nominal (article 3.28)
-Strong agenda (article 3.30 am)
-Strong need (article 3.29)
– Strong nominal (Rn) is termed a power structure cross-section are calculated according to the statutes, and the assumption of how planning before the element points multiplied by the reduction of power. On a cross-section of reinforced concrete, the nominal resting on strong points:
-the dimension of the cross-section,
-the number and layout of reinforcement
-layout of reinforcement
-quality concrete and steel reinforcement
So basically strong nominal is a power result reminds us of the situation of the structure of reinforced concrete on the situation to normal. Strong nominal is generally written with symbols Mn, Vn, Tn, and Pn with subscript n showing that bullet points
M = Events
V = sliding Style
T = Torque (the twist)
P = axial Style (obtained from the nominal weight of a structure or portion of a structure)
Strong agenda (Rr), termed as a part of the power structure or cross-section is obtained from the results of the multiplication between a strong element of Rn and the reduction of the nominal power. Strong agenda can also be written with the symbol Mr, Vr, Tr, and Pr (description is the same as above in addition to P = the weight of the agenda may be either on a structure or part of the structure.
Strong need (Ru), termed as a part of the power structure or cross-section is needed to stem the weighting terfaktor or events and style in dealing with such things in combination weighting u. Strong need can also written with symbols of Mu, Vu, Tu, and Pu.
Because basically strong agenda Rr, is the style in power (in structure), despite the strong need to Ru is external power (outside structure) that works on the structure, therefore so that planning can be guaranteed security structure must be filled the following prerequisites:
Strong plan